♔Woot Woot!♔
2012/12/25 | 3:15 AM | 0 love drops
WOOT WOOT for me!!I've learned how to use iMovie!I just got.Well actually a long while but didn't know how to use it.I've been using movie maker usually.I've made a book trailer,2 lyric videos(which are NU ABO-f(x) and Stay Stay Stay-Taylor Swift)and a selfie video!!WOOT WOOT for me again!!!I would like to share it but I don't want to!LOL!Anyways my winter break is going fine I guess.On Friday(I guess)my dad,lil sis,3 friends and I OF COURSE went to Al-Fairoz Park!!From 7:30 to 9:00!!!!It was very tiring!Then on Sat I had a sleepover at Nabilah's house!Lesley and Aishah was there too!If you didn't follow Lesley yet follow her blog!!I demand you to follow www.keepcalmandliveanawesomelife.blogspot.com/!Its TOTAL Awesome!Another WOOT WOOT!!Well I'm planning on making another sleepover!!WOOT WOOT!!!!For now I'm SO BORED!Any suggestions??
And do you like my new design?I guess I like it simple.If you want to know where I got the Animations such as the snow,fireworks.snowflakes,and camera I'll tell ya!So I got it from....................www.blogamation.com!!!!WOOT WOOT!

Hearts, Unknown

♥ Past / Future ♥