♔Yesterday And Wednesday....♔
2012/12/27 | 10:47 PM | 0 love drops
Well yesterday we went to dana mall to find my dad a new shoe but there were all expensive!We searched in ShoeXpress,Fashion Avenue,and Center Point!Then we decided to go again tomorrow cuz there was SO MANY people!Then we went to buy food!! :D On the way to the food court,I saw Lesley and her friends!But it wasn't for long cuz right after we bought from Canton,Taco Hut,And Jollibee we went to the park infront of Dana Mall!It was freezing!And there was like only 4 families there so that means FREEDOM OF OTHER PEOPLE!Yeah Yeah BUT I didn't play..It was freezing!Gosh how could they play in skinny jeans(or whatever you call them)!So I stayed on the carpet for the whole TIME!AAAAAAAA!I wish I had pictures but NO......it's all in my phone,my mom's phone and my dad's phone..So lazy to copy the pics to the computer!And also on Wednesday we went to the park again but diff park.Same thing FREEZING!Even the trees was almost falling!SO I stayed on the carpet again taking random pictures....which I wanted to post to this post...Wait I have some pics of Wednesday....Pics of what my mom took!Even the trees was almost falling!
Hearts, Unknown