2013/04/02 | 7:46 AM | 0 love drops

Soo...whats up guys?I know its been about 2 months since I updated.Well...I just didn't know what to write.Soo yea..I made another blog.I know you guys would be like "Why so many blogs?" Its just because I was BORED!LOL!The blog link is www.fan-of-kpop4ever.blogspot.com!Check it out kay?Anyways a lot of things happened during the month March...My friend Hafsa left for good...I still miss her...YEAY!Our science fair is coming up!On 1st May!I know its like 1 month away but who cares!Last year I didn't attend because of something.I forgot. :P Anyways I have go

Hearts, Unknown

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